Dispatch from a World Transformed: Reflections from Death with Dignity Executive Director Peg Sandeen
Death with Dignity Executive Director Peg Sandeen reflects on life - and death - in the time of COVID-19, and provides updates on our work in 2020.
Mourning, Grieving, and Healing “Your Way”: Reflections from Former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts
Excerpts from Former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts' 2001 book, "Death without Denial, Grief Without Apology."
Dying—and Grieving—During a Pandemic
Specialists in end-of-life care and death/dying share their perspectives on the practical, emotional, and philosophical issues that characterize dying and grieving today.
“From Hell to Happiness”: Chris Cooper on Love, Loss, and Writing as Healing
Chris Cooper's wife, Jenn, died of metastatic breast cancer in 2016 at age 34. Inspired by Jenn's willingness to share her story, Chris started the blog Coffee with Coop, and wrote the memoir From Hell to Happiness. We asked Chris about how the book contributed to his own healing process.
Brittany’s Legacy
Brittany knew that she would not live to see the results of her advocacy, and she called on me to carry it on in her name. I am more committed than ever to working with the Death with Dignity National Center in order to continue the important task they started so long ago when they drafted and campaigned for the passage of the law Brittany used.
The Holding Cell: On the Fear of Grieving
By Karen Kaplan If you want to make hospice workers wince, just tell them about an unresponsive patient with no discernible quality of life alive only on account of feeding tubes and the like. And not only that,…
New Stories This Week: Melissa Wood, Christina Derwey, Holly Berg, Amy Neese, and Mary Klein
This week, we published five new stories, from California, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and two from Texas. Christina Derwey: I Want to Have the Choice Christina Derwey is a retired postal worker in Crescent City,…
New Stories This Week: Christopher Stookey and Deborah Flynn
Most people join our movement because of a heartbreaking personal experience. Such stories, which we receive every day, inspire us to work toward ensuring terminally-ill Americans have the freedom to decide how they die. This week, we published two new…
You’re Not Alone in Life’s Dark Places
By Joel Merchant Our most influential teachers might be people we never meet, never sit in their class. We know them through books, oral history, stories. Yet, the same mystery of teacher-student relationship exists. As the saying goes, “when you’re…