Seven in 10 Americans support the right of people with a terminal illness to die on their own terms. Join the fight to ensure freedom at the end of life.
Seven in 10 Americans support the right of people with a terminal illness to die on their own terms. Join the fight to ensure freedom at the end of life.
At Death with Dignity National Center, we value the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings. We work every day to realize a future in which all people have the freedom to decide how they live and die. Our commitment to these values places us in solidarity with the Black community and those protesting against centuries of oppression, injustice, and lives cut short by violence. Black lives matter.
Peg Sandeen, Executive Director Storytelling has—without a doubt—led to the passage of new death with dignity laws. Stories inspire and mobilize volunteers, change hearts and minds, and show us how our future can be different than our past.
This year, we reached a notable milestone and achieved significant legislative victories, successes we’re thrilled to share in our Annual Report. But as I reflect on the year, I think first about every person supporting the death with dignity movement,…
Learn where your state stands on death with dignity and what you can do to help.
Are you asking yourself, "When I die, what will be my legacy?" Learn how your planned gift brings peace of mind to future generations.
Like our country, death with dignity rests on the principles of autonomy and self-determination. Declare your own, personal independence to make your own decisions at the end of life.