Good Things Take Time
As legislative sessions come to an end, some years we get to celebrate the passing of a new aid-in-dying law, and sometimes we have to grieve a bill stalling in the process. This year, we get to do both. We…
A Plea for Passage of Death with Dignity in New Hampshire, by Peter Fernald “Live free or die.” I strongly support the first two words of our historic state motto, and at the end of this piece, I…
Call to Action: 2021
Policies don’t change because we want them to. Policies change because the voting public demands they do. The movement for death with dignity is gaining greater momentum with each passing year. At a time in our history where death and…
Dispatch from a World Transformed: Reflections from Death with Dignity Executive Director Peg Sandeen
Death with Dignity Executive Director Peg Sandeen reflects on life - and death - in the time of COVID-19, and provides updates on our work in 2020.
Mourning, Grieving, and Healing “Your Way”: Reflections from Former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts
Excerpts from Former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts' 2001 book, "Death without Denial, Grief Without Apology."
Dying—and Grieving—During a Pandemic
Specialists in end-of-life care and death/dying share their perspectives on the practical, emotional, and philosophical issues that characterize dying and grieving today.
Your Coronavirus Questions Answered: COVID-19 Exposes Complex Concerns in End-of-Life Care
A nurse, physicians, and a medical ethicist answer most frequently asked questions about the impact of COVID-19 on end-of-life care and advance directives.
Remarks by Former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber, MD, at Death with Dignity’s 25th Anniversary Event
A transcript of remarks by Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber, MD, at Death with Dignity National Center's 25th anniversary event November 8, 2019.
Preparing for the California End of Life Option Act: How to Get Started If You Think You Might Qualify
by Carol Parrot, MD California’s End of Life Option Act is scheduled to begin June 9. It offers dying patients the option to obtain life-ending medication from a licensed, participating California physician. Who can qualify and use the California End…
Physician-Assisted Death from a Palliative Physician’s Perspective
By Danny Cox, MD I’ll be honest. When I started my fellowship in palliative care four short months ago, I had not seriously considered the possibility that one day I would have a patient ask me whether I would prescribe…