The Long Roads to Victory: Celebrating Anniversaries of Success in California and Maine
It has been four years since California’s End of Life Option Act took effect, and a year since Governor Janet Mills signed the Maine Death with Dignity Act into law. Both assisted dying statutes were results of multi-decade campaigns and personal stories.
Hearing on New Hampshire Death with Dignity Act Draws Large Crowd, Powerful Testimony
A recap of the February 12, 2020 hearing on the New Hampshire Death with Dignity Act, where Death with Dignity staff and advocates provided testimony.
Oregon Death with Dignity Act Turns 25
View our short film, Voices of a Movement,” which chronicles the history of the death with dignity movement from the perspective of individuals who have played a leading role in passing and protecting death with dignity laws across the U.S.
“I Never Lost Sight of What I Wanted”: An Interview with Right-to-Die Pioneer Derek Humphry
An interview with right-to-die pioneer and Hemlock Society founder Derek Humphry.
By the Numbers: Death with Dignity in 2018 and 2019
An infographic look at the highlights of 2018 and 2019 in the death with dignity movement.
Maine Adopts Death with Dignity
Governor Janet Mills has signed the Maine Death with Dignity Act into law. With the Governor’s signature, Maine became the 9th jurisdiction to allow people with a terminal illness to die the way they want: without suffering, in peace, and with dignity. Nearly 70 million Americans now live in a state with an assisted dying option.
The Impact of Death with Dignity on Healthcare
The passage of death with dignity laws has had an impact that extends far beyond providing a heretofore unavailable end-of-life option. Death with dignity has improved end-of-life care nationwide.
“It’s Our Life, It’s Our Death, It’s Our State”: Maine Death with Dignity Launches Campaign for Assisted Dying Ballot Measure
On April 19, 2018 at the Maine State Capitol in Augusta, representatives from the political action committee Maine Death with Dignity officially launched a campaign to place an assisted dying measure on the 2019 statewide ballot.
The Final Battle in Washington, D.C.
Earlier this year, the House of Representatives passed a spending bill that would repeal Washington, D.C.’s newly passed Death with Dignity Act. We worked hard to keep that awful provision out of the Senate’s companion bill—and we succeeded.