Dying—and Grieving—During a Pandemic
Specialists in end-of-life care and death/dying share their perspectives on the practical, emotional, and philosophical issues that characterize dying and grieving today.
Your Coronavirus Questions Answered: COVID-19 Exposes Complex Concerns in End-of-Life Care
A nurse, physicians, and a medical ethicist answer most frequently asked questions about the impact of COVID-19 on end-of-life care and advance directives.
The Impact of Death with Dignity on Healthcare
The passage of death with dignity laws has had an impact that extends far beyond providing a heretofore unavailable end-of-life option. Death with dignity has improved end-of-life care nationwide.
Preparing for the California End of Life Option Act: How to Get Started If You Think You Might Qualify
by Carol Parrot, MD California’s End of Life Option Act is scheduled to begin June 9. It offers dying patients the option to obtain life-ending medication from a licensed, participating California physician. Who can qualify and use the California End…
When Dementia Looms: What Can I Do Now to Ease Decision Making Later
By Nora Miller The idea of the basic end-of-life conversation is to uncover and explore feelings and opinions about the difficult decisions that come along, preferably long before arriving at the end of one’s life, and how you want others…
New Pew Findings: Support for Death with Dignity
Pew Research released new findings today on Americans’ attitudes about end-of-life care and available options. Eighty-two pages in all, it’s an extensive report which looks not only at attitudes about Death with Dignity laws but also…
Death with Dignity Improves Hospice Awareness
After an event to celebrate and remember people who have died at JHC Hospice in Worcester, Massachusetts, Rev. John G. Pastor, reflected on changes he’s seen in Massachusetts hospice care since the narrow defeat of the…
Death with Dignity and Palliative Care
By Melissa Barber Forbes contributor Dr. Peter Ubel recently put forth an op-ed titled “Death with Dignity Should Not Be Equated With Physician Assisted Suicide,” in which he admirably gives readers more information about the Washington…
New Research Study: More Hospice and More Heroic Measures
By Peg Sandeen New research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association raises more questions about patterns in end-of-life care than it answers. Nine researchers teamed up to explore data from Medicare beneficiaries in…
New Poll: Pacific Northwest More Informed and Strongly Supporting Expanded End-of-Life Options
A new poll by the National Journal and The Regence Foundation found residents in Oregon and Washington were more supportive of a variety of end-of-life options than most Americans. This is the second poll in a…