

Week 8/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

February 27, 2017

In the week from February 20 to February 26, 2017: A bill was introduced in the Montana State legislature that would remove protection for physicians from homicide charges if they prescribed medications to requesting terminally ill patients to end their…


In Memoriam: Rebecca VanWormer

January 20, 2017

We were extremely saddened to learn of the death of Rebecca VanWormer, a passionate advocate for assisted dying legislation in her home state of Maine. She was 43. Rebecca VanWormer with her dogs Buster and Kal-El at…


Week 2/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

January 17, 2017

In the week from January 9 to January 15, 2017: Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) pledged to stop the District of Columbia’s Death with Dignity Act from being enacted. Shortly after, Senator James Lankford and Representative Brad Wenstrup introduced a resolution…


Week 1/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

January 9, 2017

In the week from January 2 to January 8, 2017: The Massachusetts Medical Association launched a review of its position on assisted death. Outgoing Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin disclosed his father had used the state’s assisted dying law in 2014.

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