

Brittany’s Legacy

November 1, 2017

Brittany knew that she would not live to see the results of her advocacy, and she called on me to carry it on in her name. I am more committed than ever to working with the Death with Dignity National Center in order to continue the important task they started so long ago when they drafted and campaigned for the passage of the law Brittany used.


Come Hell or High Water: Valerie Lovelace on Advocating for Death with Dignity in Maine

September 5, 2017

Val Lovelace believes that all individuals deserve the chance to have a peaceful, humane death that accords with their wishes and values. To start a conversation in her home state of Maine, she founded It’s My Death, a nonprofit dedicated to “providing services and education to people who wish to actively explore the meaning of life through embracing the certainty of death.”

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