A Statement of Solidarity
At Death with Dignity National Center, we value the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings. We work every day to realize a future in which all people have the freedom to decide how they live and die. Our commitment to these values places us in solidarity with the Black community and those protesting against centuries of oppression, injustice, and lives cut short by violence. Black lives matter.
July-August News Roundup: “Making the Call” on Aid in Dying
Highlights from recent media coverage of death with dignity and related issues. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
Questions on This Independence Day: A Message from Death with Dignity Executive Director Peg Sandeen
What is the meaning of freedom in the United States today? Death with Dignity National Center Executive Director Peg Sandeen contemplates this and other questions in her annual Independence Day message.
June News Roundup: Momentum in Massachusetts, COVID-19 Chronicles, and a Reckoning on Racism
Highlights from recent media coverage of death with dignity and related issues. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
The Long Roads to Victory: Celebrating Anniversaries of Success in California and Maine
It has been four years since California’s End of Life Option Act took effect, and a year since Governor Janet Mills signed the Maine Death with Dignity Act into law. Both assisted dying statutes were results of multi-decade campaigns and personal stories.
Laws, Letters, and Loss: March-May News Roundup
Highlights from recent media coverage of death with dignity and related issues. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
Dispatch from a World Transformed: Reflections from Death with Dignity Executive Director Peg Sandeen
Death with Dignity Executive Director Peg Sandeen reflects on life - and death - in the time of COVID-19, and provides updates on our work in 2020.
Mourning, Grieving, and Healing “Your Way”: Reflections from Former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts
Excerpts from Former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts' 2001 book, "Death without Denial, Grief Without Apology."
Dying—and Grieving—During a Pandemic
Specialists in end-of-life care and death/dying share their perspectives on the practical, emotional, and philosophical issues that characterize dying and grieving today.
Your Coronavirus Questions Answered: COVID-19 Exposes Complex Concerns in End-of-Life Care
A nurse, physicians, and a medical ethicist answer most frequently asked questions about the impact of COVID-19 on end-of-life care and advance directives.
Our Common Mission: Death with Dignity in Times of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis
An update on Death with Dignity National Center's response to the international emergency around the coronavirus (COVID-19).