A Statement of Solidarity
At Death with Dignity National Center, we value the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings. We work every day to realize a future in which all people have the freedom to decide how they live and die. Our commitment to these values places us in solidarity with the Black community and those protesting against centuries of oppression, injustice, and lives cut short by violence. Black lives matter.
Testimony in Support of HB 370 Richard E. Israel and Roger “Pip” Moyer End of Life Option Act
This is a full transcript of our Board President George Eighmey’s testimony at today’s joint hearing of the Health and Government Operations Committee and the Judiciary Committee of the Maryland House of Delegates, in support of HB 370, Richard…
Testimony in Support of SB 1129, Hawaii Death with Dignity Act
By Mary Uyeda, resident of Hilo, HI * Not all deaths are alike. During my 30 years of bedside nursing in Intensive Care, I have personally witnessed a wide range of deaths from perfectly peaceful to prolonged agony,…
Down to the Wire in Washington, D.C.
We were at the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform last night, attending a hearing where members of Congress discussed a resolution to block the D.C. Death with Dignity Act from becoming law. As we expected,…
Week 6/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
In the week from February 6 to February 12, 2017: An assisted dying bill was tabled in a Utah House Committee. Washington, D.C. prepared for today’s markup of the US House resolution to block the new Death with Dignity law.
The resolution to nullify the D.C. Death with Dignity Act will be marked up in the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Monday, February 13, at 5:30 p.m., in Room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building.
Week 5/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
In the week from January 30 to February 5, 2017: The President nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill a vacancy on the US Supreme Court; Judge Gorsuch is the author of a book arguing against “assisted suicide” titled, The Future of…
Week 4/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
In the week from January 23 to January 29, 2017: Assisted dying bills were introduced in the New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania state legislatures. The Hawaii Medical Association changed its position on aid-in-dying legislation from opposed to neutral. California…
Congress Action Alert: Stop Trying to Block the D.C. Death with Dignity Act
The clock is ticking. The companion resolutions in the U.S. Senate and House (HJ Res. 27 / SJ Res. 4,) to block the Washington, D.C. Death with Dignity…
Week 3/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
In the week from January 16 to January 22, 2017: Assisted dying bills were introduced in the Hawaii, Mississippi, Nebraska, and New Mexico state legislatures. Colorado “Colorado’s aid-in-dying law…
In Memoriam: Rebecca VanWormer
We were extremely saddened to learn of the death of Rebecca VanWormer, a passionate advocate for assisted dying legislation in her home state of Maine. She was 43. Rebecca VanWormer with her dogs Buster and Kal-El at…