A Statement of Solidarity
At Death with Dignity National Center, we value the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings. We work every day to realize a future in which all people have the freedom to decide how they live and die. Our commitment to these values places us in solidarity with the Black community and those protesting against centuries of oppression, injustice, and lives cut short by violence. Black lives matter.
New Poll Shows 72 Percent of Nevadans Support Death with Dignity
A poll released by the Death with Dignity National Center today shows that nearly 3 of 4 Nevada voters support proposed legislation expanding the right of terminally ill patients with less than six months to live to legally obtain prescription medication to end their lives.
Week 18/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
Highlights from media coverage of Death with Dignity and related issues in the past week. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
Week 17/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
Highlights from media coverage of Death with Dignity and related issues in the past week. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
Week 16/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
Highlights from media coverage of Death with Dignity and related issues in the past week. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
The Choice to Have a Good Death: Testimony in Support of Maine LD 347, An Act to Support Death with Dignity
I am also a Stage 4 cancer patient, and the progression of my disease in inevitable. As a cancer patient I can tell you that I have fought and will continue to fight this cancer of mine. Despite horrendous surgery and treatments and knowing what there is likely more to come, I want to live.
Week 15/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
Highlights from media coverage of Death with Dignity and related issues in the past week. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
The Element of Choice: Testimony in Support of Maine LD 347, An Act to Support Death with Dignity
This is not a mandate, a requirement, or even a suggestion; but rather an option that allows terminally ill people to end their suffering on their own terms should they choose to do so.
Week 14/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement
Highlights from media coverage of Death with Dignity and related issues in the past week. Articles, essays, op-eds, editorials, and more.
“How much longer?” Testimony in Support of Maine LD 347, An Act to Support Death with Dignity
I fully support LD 347, an Act to Support Death with Dignity, and I ask that you do the same. I have only one question for this Committee: How much longer will the State of Maine continue to consider it a crime for a physician to ease the suffering of a competent, dying adult?
Maine Legislative Committee to Hear Death with Dignity Bills as New Poll Shows 73% Support in the State
A poll released by Public Policy Polling today shows that nearly 3 of 4 Maine voters overwhelmingly support legislation expanding the right of terminally ill patients with less than six months to live to legally obtain prescription medication to end their lives.