
A Statement of Solidarity

June 18, 2020
Death with Dignity Movement

At Death with Dignity National Center, we value the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings. We work every day to realize a future in which all people have the freedom to decide how they live and die. Our commitment to these values places us in solidarity with the Black community and those protesting against centuries of oppression, injustice, and lives cut short by violence. Black lives matter.

Death with Dignity Movement

What Death with Dignity Means

July 13, 2017

Two weeks ago we asked our supporters on Facebook a seemingly simple question: What does Death with Dignity mean to you? We received dozens of heartfelt responses. Though the definitions varied, all pointed to one key component: personal choice.

State by State

The Fight in California Continues

June 16, 2017

Riverside County Superior Court Judge Daniel A. Ottolia today ruled to allow the lawsuit against the California End of Life Option Act to proceed. While the judge had already rightly ruled the law poses no threat to anyone, he decided there was enough grounds for the challenge to go ahead.

Guest Articles

The Fall and the Fear of Death

June 15, 2017

If I get the opportunity to vote on a Death with Dignity law, my vote will of course depend on the details of that specific proposal. As I evaluate my decision, I want to make sure my vote does not end up being based on fear.

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