California Court Invalidates End of Life Option Act
Riverside County Superior Court judge Daniel A. Ottolia yesterday officially overturned the California End of Life Option Act. The California End of Life Option Act is no longer in effect (for now).
Measuring Success, Envisioning the Future: A Conversation with End of Life Washington’s Sally McLaughlin
We spoke with End of Life Washington Executive Director Sally McLaughlin about the organization’s recent accomplishments, long-term goals, and strategies to confront challenges in 2018.
20 Years of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act
Twenty years ago, in November 1997, the Death with Dignity Act became law in Oregon. As part of our celebration of the law's 20th anniversary, we'll look back at the historic events that provided the foundation for our work. We begin with Oregon Death with Dignity Legal Defense and Education Center's 1997 Annual Report.
Washington State Department of Health Releases 2016 Report on Death with Dignity Act
The Washington State Department of Health has released the 2016 Death with Dignity Act Report: 248 residents obtained medications prescribed under the law.
California Department of Public Health Releases First Report on End of Life Option Act
The California Department of Public Health today released the first report on the use of the End of Life Option Act. The report, covering the period from June 9, 2016, when the law took effect, to December 31, 2016, shows that 111 Californians took medications to hasten their death.
The March to Dignity: One Year of Death with Dignity in California
Every week has been significant in the Death with Dignity movement lately. Milestone after milestone, we approach the day when all Americans will have a full range of end-of-life options.
Four Years of Death with Dignity in Vermont
The full Vermont State Legislature passed the bill on May 13, 2013, and Vermont made history. On May 20, Governor Shumlin signed Act 39 (S.77) into law. The Green Mountain State was the first to pass a Death with Dignity law through the legislative process.
Launching California Death with Dignity
Every day now we hear from terminally ill Californians who want to learn about their rights and responsibilities under the upcoming End of Life Option Act. We also field questions from doctors, pharmacists, and hospitals who…
Preparing for the California End of Life Option Act: How to Get Started If You Think You Might Qualify
by Carol Parrot, MD California’s End of Life Option Act is scheduled to begin June 9. It offers dying patients the option to obtain life-ending medication from a licensed, participating California physician. Who can qualify and use the California End…
California Senate Committee on Health Passes SB 1002, End of Life Option Telephone Number Act
Great news from Sacramento! California Senate Bill 1002, the End of Life Option Telephone Number Act, has cleared its first legislative hurdle. A few moments ago, the Committee on Health approved the bill 5 to 2. Californians are now…