
Oregon 20

20 Years of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act

September 7, 2017

Twenty years ago, in November 1997, the Death with Dignity Act became law in Oregon. As part of our celebration of the law's 20th anniversary, we'll look back at the historic events that provided the foundation for our work. We begin with Oregon Death with Dignity Legal Defense and Education Center's 1997 Annual Report.

State by State

Four Years of Death with Dignity in Vermont

May 19, 2017

The full Vermont State Legislature passed the bill on May 13, 2013, and Vermont made history. On May 20, Governor Shumlin signed Act 39 (S.77) into law. The Green Mountain State was the first to pass a Death with Dignity law through the legislative process.

State by State

Launching California Death with Dignity

June 8, 2016

Every day now we hear from terminally ill Californians who want to learn about their rights and responsibilities under the upcoming End of Life Option Act. We also field questions from doctors, pharmacists, and hospitals who…

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