“A Better Way”: George Eighmey’s Journey Toward Death with Dignity Nationwide
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of implementation of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, we are featuring stories of those who in 1997 campaigned against the repeal of the law adopted by Oregon voters three years before. Today we are featuring George Eighmey, President of our Board of Directors, who was an Oregon State Representative in the 1990's.
Human Right and Dignity: Testimony in Support of Nevada SB 261
I truly hope that you consider allowing the diverse residents of the state of Nevada this human right and dignity. Most of your constituents will not choose it, but those who do, and their families, will thank you forever.
A Series of Safeguards: Testimony in Support of Nevada SB 261
Throughout SB 261, just as every state has done, you will see a series of safeguards and a well-defined process to protect the patient, the health care professional, and the family—all designed to ensure that the patient is in control, acting voluntarily and able to make their own health care decisions.
More Options at the End of Life: Testimony in Support of SB 261, Nevada’s Death with Dignity Bill
The proposed law you are considering today is, at its core, a medical standard of care designed to provide physicians and pharmacists with best practice guidelines for the situations in which a terminally ill and competent patient requests the right to control the timing and manner of his/her death.
The Choice to Have a Good Death: Testimony in Support of Maine LD 347, An Act to Support Death with Dignity
I am also a Stage 4 cancer patient, and the progression of my disease in inevitable. As a cancer patient I can tell you that I have fought and will continue to fight this cancer of mine. Despite horrendous surgery and treatments and knowing what there is likely more to come, I want to live.
The Element of Choice: Testimony in Support of Maine LD 347, An Act to Support Death with Dignity
This is not a mandate, a requirement, or even a suggestion; but rather an option that allows terminally ill people to end their suffering on their own terms should they choose to do so.
“How much longer?” Testimony in Support of Maine LD 347, An Act to Support Death with Dignity
I fully support LD 347, an Act to Support Death with Dignity, and I ask that you do the same. I have only one question for this Committee: How much longer will the State of Maine continue to consider it a crime for a physician to ease the suffering of a competent, dying adult?
Testimony in Support of SB 1129, Hawaii Medical Aid in Dying Act
This is a transcript, lightly edited for clarity, of the written testimony to the Hawaii State Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor in support of SB 1129 submitted by Betts Cruz, a resident of Molokai.
Testimony in Support of HB 370 Richard E. Israel and Roger “Pip” Moyer End of Life Option Act
This is a full transcript of our Board President George Eighmey’s testimony at today’s joint hearing of the Health and Government Operations Committee and the Judiciary Committee of the Maryland House of Delegates, in support of HB 370, Richard…
Testimony in Support of SB 1129, Hawaii Death with Dignity Act
By Mary Uyeda, resident of Hilo, HI * Not all deaths are alike. During my 30 years of bedside nursing in Intensive Care, I have personally witnessed a wide range of deaths from perfectly peaceful to prolonged agony,…