
State by State

Appeal Filed in California Court Case

May 22, 2018

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra on Monday appealed a district court ruling invalidating the End of Life Option Act; he requested the law be allowed to continue providing dying Californians with peace and control in their final days.


Deborah Ziegler: “A Shocking and Cruel Ruling”

May 16, 2018

"With one stroke of his pen, Riverside Judge Daniel A. Ottolia callously struck out at California's terminally-ill patients in a cruel way," writes Deborah Ziegler in response to the May 15 ruling nullifying the End of Life Option Act.

State by State

The Fight in California Continues

June 16, 2017

Riverside County Superior Court Judge Daniel A. Ottolia today ruled to allow the lawsuit against the California End of Life Option Act to proceed. While the judge had already rightly ruled the law poses no threat to anyone, he decided there was enough grounds for the challenge to go ahead.

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