Brittany’s Legacy
Death with Dignity Board member Deborah Ziegler remembers her daughter, Brittany Maynard, on the 6th anniversary of her death.
Scenes from a Celebration: Commemorating 25 Years of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act
A recap of Death with Dignity's event, "Looking Back, Moving Forward: Commemorating 25 Years of Death with Dignity," held November 8, 2019 in Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Death with Dignity Act Turns 25
View our short film, Voices of a Movement,” which chronicles the history of the death with dignity movement from the perspective of individuals who have played a leading role in passing and protecting death with dignity laws across the U.S.
Brittany Maynard’s Legacy, Five Years On
Five years ago today, Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old with terminal brain cancer, used the Oregon Death with Dignity to die peacefully.
Brittany’s Legacy
Brittany knew that she would not live to see the results of her advocacy, and she called on me to carry it on in her name. I am more committed than ever to working with the Death with Dignity National Center in order to continue the important task they started so long ago when they drafted and campaigned for the passage of the law Brittany used.
“What Brittany Asked Us to Do”: Deborah Ziegler’s Advocacy for Death with Dignity Honors a Promise to Her Daughter
By advocating for Death with Dignity, Deborah Ziegler is honoring a promise to her daughter, the late Brittany Maynard.
Author Deborah Ziegler Visits Portland on Book Tour for Wild and Precious Life
Last Monday we were honored to host Deborah Ziegler at a reception in Portland, Oregon, where the Death with Dignity National Center is headquartered. Together with local board members, staff, and supporters, we heard Deborah tell the story of how…
Out Now: Wild and Precious Life by Deborah Ziegler
In October 2014, Brittany Maynard published a video announcing that, as she faced death from terminal brain cancer at the age of 29, she was planning to end her life in a peaceful manner using the…
Brittany Maynard’s Decision to Die with Dignity
A young woman named Brittany Maynard, like so many others, has a compelling story to share. She is bravely facing her death with dignity and control, and when the time is right, she may choose to hasten her own death.