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Stories Make Our Movement: Fall Dignity Report out now

November 3, 2021

Peg Sandeen, Executive Director

Storytelling has—without a doubt—led to the passage of new death with dignity laws. Stories inspire and mobilize volunteers, change hearts and minds, and show us how our future can be different than our past.

Sometimes we hear powerful stories from unexpected sources. During this year’s legislative session, Assemblyman Edgar Flores, bill sponsor for the proposed aid-in-dying law in Nevada, AB351, opened a hearing with a powerful story about a loved one who suffered terribly at the end of his life. This transformed Flores’ view on death and led him to become an advocate for this movement, despite his Catholic upbringing. His story not only inspired folks within the movement but also energizes his continued fight to get a law passed in Nevada.

Our work cannot be done without stories. Our movement depends on them. In this issue of the Dignity Report, we highlight stories of patients and advocates within the death with dignity movement today.

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