A Major Endorsement in Massachusetts
“Editorial: Massachusetts’ terminally ill residents should have access to medical aid-in-dying,” Boston Globe, 12/6/20
After publishing many stories about medical aid in dying in recent years, the Globe’s editorial board endorsed Massachusetts‘ End of Life Options Act and called on legislators to pass the bill. The editorial noted the neutrality of the Massachusetts Medical Society and a recent poll showing 70% of Massachusetts residents support death with dignity.
As one of the largest newspapers in the United States, the Globe is a high-profile news source, and a statement of support for aid in dying from the editorial board carries significant weight. We are proud to have worked in coalition with other local and national organizations to push for policy reform in Massachusetts, and look forward to continuing this work in the new year.
Other supportive op-eds and letters to the editor appeared in Massachusetts media outlets across the state. Here are a few highlights:
“OPINION: Ensure access to end-of-life care options,” Wicked Local, 12/18/20
“As nurses, we support Massachusetts death with dignity bill,” Berkshire Eagle, 12/21/20
In stating their support for passage of the End of Life Options Act, the nurses note that “we’ve cared for terminally ill patients for a cumulative total of nearly 200 years, and seen too many leave this world in severe pain and often prolonged, unrelieved suffering.” They urge lawmakers to pass aid-in-dying legislation so other individuals with a terminal illness can access an option that will ease suffering and allow them to maintain autonomy in their final days.
“Palliative care or aid in dying: why not both?” The Boston Globe, 12/22/20
A moving story from Maine
“Maine family shares rare and vulnerable look at decision to die with dignity,” NBC News Center Maine,” 12/16/20
Erik Carlson, a Maine patient who qualified for and recently used life-ending medication, shares what made the decision so meaningful for him and his family. Featuring a brief interview with Death with Dignity Statewide Campaigns Director Valerie Lovelace, who led our efforts to pass the Maine Death with Dignity Act.
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