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Weeks 42 & 43/2019 in the Death with Dignity Movement

October 21, 2019

In the two weeks from October 7 to October 20, 2019:

  • Lawmakers in Wisconsin introduced a death with dignity bill;
  • The case of a Colorado physician who was fired after suing her employer for barring doctors from helping patients access the state’s death with dignity law continued to make headlines.


Barbara Morris, MD, alleges retaliation on behalf Centura Health for firing her after she filed a lawsuit stating the Christian health system’s policy of preventing physicians from helping their patients access the End of Life Options Act violated the law.


We are working with lawmakers and grassroots advocates in Massachusetts to push for passage of the End of Life Options Act. After testifying at a June hearing on the bill, we returned to the Bay State last month to meet with legislators and advocates, including our friends at Western Massachusetts Death with Dignity. As awareness of the bill continues to grow, more citizens, including the authors of the below two letters to the editors, are raising their voices in support.


Hanna Olivas of Nevada is a 45-year-old mother of 4 dying of a rare blood cancer. Earlier this month, she stepped forward to share her story publicly to build support for passage of an assisted dying law in her state.


On October 18, 2019, Wisconsin lawmakers introduced a death with dignity bill. This is the eleventh time legislators have considered a bill in the Badger State. In recent weeks, citizens and lawmakers alike have spoken out in support of the End of Life Options Act.

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