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Best Letters to the Editor, October 2019

October 31, 2019

In newspapers across the U.S., advocates, patients, medical professionals, and elected leaders are voicing their support for assisted dying. Here are the best letters to the editor published in October 2019.


We are working with lawmakers and grassroots advocates in Massachusetts to push for passage of the End of Life Options Act. After testifying at a June hearing on the bill, we returned to the Bay State last month to meet with legislators and advocates, including our friends at Western Massachusetts Death with Dignity. As awareness of the bill continues to grow, more citizens, including the authors of the below two letters to the editors, are raising their voices in support.

New York

New York resident John Ostwald died of terminal pancreatic cancer on October 19. His final days were agonizing, and he longed for an end-of-life option that would allow him to die peacefully. In this powerful piece, his widow, Kyra Te Paske, advocates for the passage of New York’s proposed Medical Aid in Dying Act so patients like John can decide how they die.

“John Ostwald’s Then and Now: Death with Dignity,” Troy Record, 10/26/2019


On October 18, 2019, Wisconsin lawmakers introduced a death with dignity bill. This is the eleventh time legislators have considered a bill in the Badger State. In recent weeks, citizens and lawmakers alike have spoken out in support of the End of Life Options Act.

Dr. Robert Sander: Why I support medical aid in dying as an option for terminally ill patients,” The Cap Times, 10/1/2019
“Assisted suicide won’t end good care — Roger Brooks,” Wisconsin State Journal, 10/7/2019
“Jim and Sandy Dougherty: We support the End of Life Options Act,” The Cap Times, 10/8/2019
Sen. Fred Risser: Terminally ill adults deserve the right to end their lives on their own terms,, 10/10/2019

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