Latest News:

Weeks 7 & 8/2019 in the Death with Dignity Movement

February 25, 2019

In the two weeks from February 11 to February 24, 2019:

  • New Mexico House of Representatives Judiciary Committee passed the End of Life Options Act 9 to 3.
  • The Maryland End-of-Life Options Act was heard in the House Health and Government Operations Committee and the Senate. Meanwhile, a Goucher College poll showed 62 percent of Marylanders favor the pending legislation.
  • A death with dignity bill was introduced in Nevada, bringing the total number of assisted dying bills this session to 14.
  • The Montana State House passed a bill criminalizing physician aid in dying.
  • A death with dignity bill was introduced in Arkansas, for the first time in state history.





New Mexico

New York

Around the U.S.


Pat Meyer
April 19, 2019 at 5:34 am

Living in FL and I will need this needed service. Can you tell me where Florida stands.

raul ariza arauz
May 7, 2019 at 7:32 pm

The doctors at the VA Hospital operated a SQUAMUS CELL CARCINOMA in the left side of my neck, , one ENT doctor told me that the cancer that I have was not operable, and I concluded that I will die from it. However the doctors at the VA Hospital did not mention to me that only a low percentage of this cases survive the operation. Now after 18 months of the operation the cancer was removed without certanty, but the doctors and the operation, left me as a vegetable, i cannot eat, sleep, in pain, constant use of succion machine, constant fear of chocking, cannot concentrate, cannot wash tv, my neck is distored and my head looking at the floor, cannot sleep on my back, dry saliva accumulates in my throat, beverages accumulate in my throat and get dry, these dry mocuses after softened with water, form a very thick substance that with time during sleeping for an hour or hour and one half, obstruct my air ways and producing asphycsia, this is constant fear of dying by asphycciation lead me to determine to request the doctors to operated on me to perform or provide medication or another operation to terminate my life, as an act of mercy killing or dying with dignity. Can I bring this doctors to a state that can allows mercy killing?

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