In the two weeks from September 3 to September 16, 2018:
- The Santa Fe city council approved a resolution supporting death with dignity legislation and urging the state legislature to pass an aid-in-dying statute in the 2019 legislative session.
- “San Diego man with terminal illness defends End of Life Option Act in top medical journal,” San Diego Union Tribune, 9/3/2018
- “Michael’s Testimonial,” Annals of Internal Medicine, September 2018
New Mexico
- “A right to live — and die — well,” Santa Fe New Mexican, 9/10/2018
- “Santa Fe City Council backs end-of-life bill,” Santa Fe New Mexican, 9/12/2018
- “Santa Fe City Council Backs “Death With Dignity” Resolution,” KSFR, 9/12/2018
Around the U.S.
- Massachusetts: “By John Berkowitz, Aaron Vega, John Scibak and Ellen Story: W. Mass. candidates pledge support for ‘Death With Dignity’ bill,” Berkshire Eagle, 9/10/2018
- Vermont: “Death with dignity,” Brattleboro Reporter, 9/8/2018
Featured image by [BarZaN] Qtr.
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