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Week 11/2018 in the Death with Dignity Movement

March 19, 2018

In the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018:

  • An aid-in-dying bill passed in the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee 5 to 2.
  • Hawaii State Senate Committee on Consumer Protection, Commerce, and Health unanimously passed HD2739 HD1, Our Care Our Choice Act.


New Jersey

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Featured image by Elena.

One comment.

Virginia Smith
April 5, 2018 at 3:55 pm

A person’s opinion and perspective changes significantly, often dramatically, with personal experience, age and maturity. You become less concerned with the opinions and support of others as advancing age, illness, depression and loss become more familiar companions. At this time, it is wise and just, to have choices and control of what is left of your life and destiny… just as it is your financial assets and possessions. Society itself has changed. The event of advanced technology has created a more mobile, dispersed family replacing the nuclear and extended family and community that traditionally assumed care of its elderly or ill. It has produced a new system of impersonal facilities to warehouse the once revered love ones. Although in demand, significantly improved from those of the past, the end effect is the same…alone.

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