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Week 29/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

July 24, 2017

In the week from July 17 to July 23, 2017:

  • DC Mayor Bowser announced implementation of the District’s Death with Dignity Act.

District of Columbia


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One comment.

Sharon Cohen
August 25, 2017 at 1:05 pm

It is time to allow Death with Dignity, Euthanasia, or Assisted Suicide to remain the law and expand it to other states! Congress does not want to pay for end of life care (or any care given the current political nastiness and loss of morality) but, they do want to meddle in a person’s final wishes. It should be my right to determine what is best for me rather than someone who doesn’t know me,
doesn’t care about me, and just seeks political gain. Pets are treated better than humans. There is something wrong with this picture. I would be willing to pay a “Death with Dignity” tax, if that allows me the final say of my life. It is time to allow us our own choice of life or death.

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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Death Concepts

Death with Dignity Political Fund Works Behind the Scenes

It would be hard to overstate the importance of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act in shaping the discussions around end of life options. Every statute that has passed thus far, and most of those that have been proposed in dozens of states in the nation, have contained identical eligibility requirements and similar process requirements to the Oregon law. Twenty years of implementation have demonstrated that the aid in dying law works to protect and safeguard patients. The Death with Dignity Political Fund has supported the assisted dying movement across the country by working with legislators to help craft legislation and shepherd it through the legislative process. Learn more about our work and ways to support it here.