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Week 24/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

June 19, 2017

In the week from June 12 to June June 18, 2017:

  • Riverside County Judge Daniel A. Ottolia allowed the lawsuit challenging the California End of Life Option Act to proceed.


  • “Assisted death battle drags on in California,” Sacramento Bee, 6/16/2017
  • “Judge Allows Lawsuit on Life-Ending Drugs for Terminally Ill,” US News & World Report (via Associated Press), 6/16/2017


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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Death Concepts

Oregon’s Watershed Death with Dignity Act Turns 20

Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act went into effect in 1997 after withstanding both legal and legislative challenges. Since that time, the law has functioned as intended, helping hundreds avoid suffering at the end of life. Since that time, public support and the number of states with similar laws have both expanded. In 2017, over 30 state legislatures considered medical aid in dying laws. But even today, there continue to be legal challenges for established laws, most recently in California. Read more about the legal battles that beset Oregon’s statute, first passed in 1994, in the first of several articles about the anniversary.