Every week has been significant in the Death with Dignity movement lately. Milestone after milestone, we approach the day when all Americans will have a full range of end-of-life options. This week is no exception: We stand by that. With California having an assisted dying law, more than fifty million Americans had the option, should they qualify, to end their lives in a humane and dignified manner.
Freedom won the day on June 9, 2016. Freedom to make your own end-of-life decisions without interference from the government or church. Freedom to decide to end your suffering if you are dying from a terminal illness. Freedom to die with dignity, on your own terms.
We are grateful for your being with us on this journey, through the stretches of committee votes, detours of legislative maneuvers, even an occasional blister of fighting the Bishop.
But make no mistake, we’re not there yet. Next week will again be important as I’ll be watching a hearing for the lawsuit challenging the California End of Life Option Act.
Will you chip in to help us keep our momentum?
It is this march to dignity that California’s first anniversary evokes and that we associate with every anniversary of every Death with Dignity law. The calendar is filling up: February 21 – Washington, D.C. March 5 – Washington. May 20 – Vermont. June 9 – California. November 4 – Oregon. December 16 – Colorado. We celebrate each of these big days—and then we get back to work.
Our legislation made it further this session than ever before in Hawaii, Maine, and Nevada. Though our campaigns there and in Maryland did not yield the results we wanted, we’re already laying the groundwork for the next session and the days when we celebrate our victories and mark their anniversaries in those states.
Today, 1 in 6 Americans lives in a state where Death with Dignity is among the end-of-life options—thanks to you. Please support the march to dignity, donate today.
Whether we celebrate victories or shoulder setbacks, we are grateful to have you marching with us.
Richard McKinney
I’m looking for a place or a doctor or hospital that I can go to determinate my life I suffer from major depression and I like to and my life
Peter Korchnak, Death with Dignity
Please check your email.
Why can’t we get laws like Switzerland and Europe where death with dignity is possible for one’s decision about quality of life.
It is imprisonment to keep people in nursing homes against their will. For example after a stroke, paralyzed, can’t control body functions, in bed day after day against their will. If they feel they have no quality of life and want to end their lives, the decision shoukd be theirs. It is cruelty to forbid it. Only the wealthy can escape this is by leaving our country and going to another which allows suicide for lack of quality of life and will give the person the medication if they can’t do it themselves.
Residency requirements and being terminal does not help those trapped in their own bodies who wish to end the torture.
Is it once again about money in this country. Nursing homes are big businesses and keeping people trapped is financially beneficial to rhem.
Very good point you made on nursing homes being a big business…..so true….it would not benefit them.
I agree it it cruel to make someone dying terminally in severe pain, not to have the option available , and like you said , those trapped inside their bodies with no quality of life.
Religion wants to control us from birth to death. Break away!
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