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Week 20/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

May 22, 2017

In the week from May 15 to May 21, 2017:

  • The Nevada State Senate Committee on Health and Human Services passed SB 261, an assisted death bill, on a 3 to 2 vote.
  • The Maine State Senate passed LD 347, An Act to Support Death with Dignity on a 16 to 15 vote. The bill was moved to the Maine House for a concurrence vote this week.



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Afterword: Physician-Hastened Dying Concepts

After Passage, Aid in Dying Bills Continue to See Challenges

In the current political climate, it might feel as though no matter is ever truly settled. Issues resolved long ago continue to surface in new votes, new advocates, and new stump speeches from politicians. The case seems to be no different with the death with dignity process. After the Council of the District of Columbia passed an aid in dying bill in 2016, some members of the US House of Representatives are using their oversight of DC to try to repeal the law. In Hawaii, after polls showed 80 percent support and the Senate voted in favor 22-3, the House Health Committee deferred the bill until 2018. The hard lesson of advocacy is that we are truly never “done.” We will continue to educate on and promote death with dignity until it is a real option for all Americans.