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Week 17/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

May 1, 2017

In the week from April 24 to April 30, 2017:

  • Maine Medical Association’s board voted to drop opposition to assisted dying legislation.
  • The Medical Society of the State of New York announced it would survey its members on their stance about assisted dying.


New York


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The Economist ran a series of articles advocating for better end-of-life care, including assisted dying:

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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Dying Concepts

Death with Dignity Is Not “Physician-Assisted Suicide”

Word choice matters. Advocates of aid in dying are careful to use terms that accurately reflect the issue: giving dying patients the option to choose when they die. A term like “assisted suicide” inaccurately portrays patients as wishing to die. “Euthanasia” puts control in a doctor’s hands, a practice which has never been legal in the United States and which we oppose. Sometimes these terms are used because the distinctions are misunderstood; other times, opponents to aid in dying use them to scare people or confuse the issue. You’ll notice on our site that we use only terms without bias. You can read more about the terminology we use here.