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Week 15/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

April 17, 2017

In the week from April 10 to April 16, 2017:

  • A hearing for the pending bill in Nevada was rescheduled.





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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Dying Concepts

Join the Death with Dignity National Center

It is an interesting time for the aid in dying movement. On the one hand, laws are in place in six jurisdictions, covering one in six Americans. States across the country are considering legislation to provide end of life options to terminally ill patients. On the other hand, the current nominee for the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, has written a book opposing physician assisted death, and in some states, legislators are proposing laws that will further limit the right to die. Now is the right time to get involved with this movement, and the Death with Dignity National Center needs your help. Together, we can ensure all Americans have access to a full range of end-of-life options.