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Week 11/2017 in the Death with Dignity Movement

March 20, 2017

In the week from March 13 to March 19, 2017:

  • An assisted dying bill was introduced in Nevada and defeated in the New Mexico State Senate.
  • A study was released confirming that the Oregon Death with Dignity Act has led to improvements in end-of-life care in the state.


New Mexico


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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Dying Concepts

District of Columbia Legalizes Death with Dignity

Washington, DC has become the sixth jurisdiction in the United States to legalize medical aid in dying, sometimes referred to as “assisted suicide” by detractors. Though passed in 2016 by the elected Council of the District of Columbia, then signed by the Mayor, the law only took effect in late February 2017 after mandatory U.S. Congressional review. However, while the practice is now law in the District of Columbia, the fight is not over. Congress may yet act to defund the law using its budget oversight power. Help us fight to protect this new law by contributing to our political fund today.