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Rebecca VanWormer: “Join the Fight for Dignity”

December 7, 2016

by Rebecca VanWormer, East Millinocket, Maine

Rebeca VanWormer on the Maine CoastI’m 43 years old and I’m dying of cancer. I accept it because there is no getting out of it. My goal is to live as long as I can but when I get to the point where I can’t take care of myself, I want the option to go on my terms. I may not get that in my home state of Maine.

I was really disappointed last year when a death with dignity bill failed in the Maine Senate by a single vote. That’s why I joined the Death with Dignity National Center in advocating for assisted dying laws. And that’s why I’m grateful for all you do toward the same goal.

I will either die with the law in place or fighting for it. Please join me in this fight for dignity by making a gift to the National Center today.

The cancer started in my breast and metastasized to my liver, brain, and spine. God only knows where else it may be. I don’t know which cancer will kill me and when, or what I will go through before I die. That’s the hardest part. Being able to plan and have a say in the matter would take that scary part out of it. It’s about having the option—and I’m all about having options.

I know you are, too. Please contribute to the Death with Dignity National Center to bring us closer to the day when terminally ill Americans like me have the freedom to decide how they die.

I know I’m dying. But I’m hoping this is the one thing I can do before I go—help provide the option for others. Join me by making a gift today.

Thank you.

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