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Week 42/2016 in the Death with Dignity Movement

October 24, 2016

In the week from October 17 to October 23, 2016:

  • New Jersey Assembly passed the Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act, a Death with Dignity bill, on a 41 to 28 vote. The vote was nearly identical to that of November 12, 2014, when the New Jersey Assembly passed a similar bill, which then languished in the State Senate.


New Jersey


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Image by Elena.

One comment.

Linda Golley
October 31, 2016 at 2:00 pm

I work in a hospital. I strongly believe that people should have control over the the time to stop living. Why should a sick person have to fight everyone around him just to die? Let him plan, let him make ready with friends and family, let his close people support his plans. Let people die at home in a spiritually supportive environment.

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