In the week from September 12 to September 18,2016:
- The Colorado Medical Association dropped its opposition to death with dignity and adopted a neutral stance on Prop 106.
- “Terminally ill Californians struggling to find doctors to help with aid in dying,” Mercury News, 9/17/2016
- “Fact check: John Hickenlooper stumbles over details on aid-in-dying measure,” Denver Post, 9/17/2016
- “Colorado Medical Society Drops Opposition to End-of-Life Options,” Yes on Colorado End-of-Life Options, 9/17/2016
Other Stories
- “Watching Myself Die: Why legal end-of-life options are essential to dying with autonomy and dignity,” Psychology Today, 9/9/2016
- “Assisted Suicide: Not Every Country Views the Issue the Same,” Healthline, 9/15/2016
- “I owe it to my father to argue for death with dignity,”, 9/16/2016
Featured image by Elena.
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