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Weeks 16 & 17/2016 in the Death with Dignity Movement

May 3, 2016

In two weeks from April 18 to May 1, 2016:

  • An intense debate continued in Canada about the proposed physician-assisted dying law.
  • Another film about “assisted suicide” / “euthanasia” was released.

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Featured image by Elena.

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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Dying Concepts

“Physician-Assisted Suicide” Increasing in Popularity, Legal Status

Popularized by high-profile cases like Brittany Maynard, who moved from California to Oregon in order to use the state’s long-standing Death with Dignity law to end her life after being diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, public support for physician-assisted death has never been higher. Since 2013, two more states – California and Colorado – have joined Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Vermont in allowing Death with Dignity through legislative action, voter-initiated ballot measures, or judicial proceedings. While many more states considered legislation, those efforts did not proceed to full votes, leaving supportive lawmakers and advocates to continue the fight in upcoming sessions.