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Week 21/2016 in the Death with Dignity Movement

May 31, 2016

In the week from May 23 to May 30, 2016:

  • The Health Committee of the New York State Assembly passed A10059, Medical Aid in Dying Act, on a 14 to 11 vote.


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Featured image by David Michalczuk.

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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Dying Concepts

Medical Aid in Dying Offers Hope for Dignity to the Terminally Ill

One in six Americans now lives in a state that allows physician-assisted death, giving people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness a new tool to help ensure they have a say in their death. In this process, which has strong safeguards against abuse, a doctor will prescribe a medication that the patient then self-administers at the time and place of their choosing. Some who receive the prescription do not end up using it, but it is seen as a comfort – a sense of control and peace of mind in a process where people often lose their autonomy.