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Week 20/2016 in the Death with Dignity Movement

May 23, 2016

In the week from May 16 to May 22, 2016:

  • Life Matters Media interviewed our executive director Peg Sandeen. Read here →
  • California continued to prepare for the implementation of the End of Life Option Act.
  • A hearing date was announced for the New York Medical Aid-in-Dying Act.
  • We launched our campaign to pass a Death with Dignity statute in Hawaii.



New York

  • “Another Voice: Patient autonomy demands respect at the end of life,” The Buffalo News, 5/18/2016
  • “Opinion: Death, dignity and the Albany debate,” Newsday, 5/21/2016
  • “New York needs to decriminalize physician aid in dying,” Buffalo News, 5/22/2016


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Featured image by lindalino.

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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Death Concepts

What is Medical Aid-in-Dying, or “Assisted Suicide”?

Medical aid-in-dying is a process that allows terminally ill patients who have less than 6 months to live to determine the time and manner of their death by obtaining prescription medications to end their life. While “assisted suicide” continues to be a common term for this practice, it is inaccurate and used by opponents to scare people. Terminally ill patients reject the notion that physician-assisted death is suicide, for they do not choose to die, their illness is killing them. Instead, this process allows them to hasten the death they cannot avoid, in order to bring about a peaceful and dignified end.