The year of successes continues.
Last week an extraordinary legislative session concluded in California. The event launched a 91-day countdown to when the End of Life Option Act, a Death with Dignity law we helped craft and pass, goes into effect. On June 9 the Golden State will join Oregon, Washington, and Vermont in providing peace of mind for all those who wish this to be an option.
While this is great news, our work is not yet done. We at the Death With Dignity National Center have proposed to the original bill’s sponsors a bill that will establish an information line for the End of Life Option Act. Senate Bill 1002, End of Life Option Telephone Number Act, will mandate the California Department of Public Health to create a toll-free number where Californians will learn how to navigate the legal and medical requirements of the new law.
Though the opponents of California’s new law failed to gather enough signatures to put a repeal measure on the November ballot, they aren’t giving up. Detractors are mobilizing to take their desperate fight to the courts. And just as we withstood legal challenges to the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, we will prevail now.
In other states, we have made progress and continue working with local groups and supporters to build on our momentum.
While Maryland will not pass a Death with Dignity law this year, we have made significant strides forward. The mere fact that we had committee hearings in both chambers means next session we’ll be far further along than we are today. We are not giving up! The Death with Dignity National Center is committed to Maryland and will be working with the bill sponsors and other allies over the next year to bring the End of Life Option Act back in 2017.
Other States
The same goes for Hawai‘i, where a bill stalled in a Senate Committee. We continue to build a coalition of supporters and allies and raise awareness. We are also supporting our partners at End of Life Options New York in their sponsorship of the Patient Self-Determination Act. In preparation for next year’s session, we’re assisting our partner organization in Maine, It’s My Death, to raise awareness with educational events.
We are also doing groundwork for future success in states with no legislative activity around Death with Dignity. For example, we helped our friends Ohio End of Life Options launch a new email toolset and a website; in Virginia we’ve been providing strategic guidance to The Bess Project; and we’re assisting the Texas Death with Dignity with their online organizing efforts. As our accomplishment in Vermont showed, it is only with dedicated local grassroots groups that we can succeed in passing our legislation.
In addition to Maryland and Hawai‘i, you will hear a lot of gloating from our opponents about bills in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Utah, and Wisconsin going down in defeat or sidelined in one legislative way or another. What they won’t tell you is the truth:
Death with Dignity legislation based on our Oregon model is not only not going away, it is making progress every legislative session. Everywhere we have succeeded, progress came gradually. Each step on the path moves us closer to our goal. Step by step, session by session, we will continue to work with you to bring this end-of-life option for dying patients to every state.
We will not rest until every American has the freedom to choose from a full range of end-of-life options.
Thank you for standing with us.
Betty Kline
Please help us get this legalized if you do not want this please help us get this passed I do not want to suffer like I watched my husband, son, and my brother-it was unbearable-Thank you_
Michael lewis
It’s MY life therefor, it’s MY choice.
Karen Heroux
My brother, mother and father all dies unnecessarily painful and undignified deaths. I cared for them all and am certain that if they had the option, they would have chosen death with dignity. i has been suggested by my psychiatrist with post traumatic stress disorder. My neighbor lost his mom to cancer and suffers from it severely. Life is sacred but suffering for 6 months is NOT sacred.
Julie Sheehy
Hi. I live in New York State and have been battling cancer for 5 yts-tired of being tortured and suffering. Where does NYS stand in terms of passing Death with Dignity laws? Thank you for me and all people suffering needlessly.
Peter Korchnak, Death with Dignity
Sorry to hear about your loved ones, Betty. We are working on getting these laws passed state by state.
Peter Korchnak, Death with Dignity
Sorry to hear about your illness, Julie. There is a bill pending in the New York State Legislature that is similar to the Oregon Death with Dignity Act. As of now, there has been no progress on it, unfortunately. The latest status of legislation in NY is here:
Framing & Frame Alignment – AllCampusSocialProbs
[…] its genesis, the organization has aided in bringing physician-assisted suicide legislation to four additional states and the District of Columbia through its supporters. Because the movement depends so heavily on its advocates staying informed […]
M Gorman
We have been showing compassion for our 4 legged “”family members” for centuries. We can figurr out how to show compassion for our loved ones on two legs or less. The states that have grappled with issues and wisely passed legislation for death with dignity. Are the pioneers of compassionate living and dying.
Patti Leathers
Does anyone have any contacts in Florida? I am interested in becoming active in this movement.
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