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California Senate Committee on Health Passes SB 1002, End of Life Option Telephone Number Act

March 30, 2016

Great news from Sacramento!

California Senate Bill 1002, the End of Life Option Telephone Number Act, has cleared its first legislative hurdle. A few moments ago, the Committee on Health approved the bill 5 to 2. Californians are now this much closer to having a toll-free line, operated by the Department of Public Health, that provides information about the new End of Life Option Act.

It’s important we thank lawmakers when they do the right thing. Please take a moment to thank the members of the California Senate Committee for their commitment to providing information about the End of Life Option Act.


Passing Death with Dignity laws, such as the new California End of Life Option Act, is just the first step in providing the end-of-life option to the terminally ill. We know from experience in states like Oregon and Washington that providing factual, bias-free information allows people seeking to use the law a great measure of clarity and relief. SB 1002 is about helping terminally ill Californians navigate through the legal and medical requirements of the End of Life Option Act.

Though powerful, deep-pocketed opponents lobbied the legislators to deny Californians the right to information about Death with Dignity, the Senate Committee on Health recognized the need for the information line. Tell them you’re grateful for passing the End of Life Option Telephone Number Act by sending them this card.

Image by djfrantic.

One comment.

Marge Storey
March 30, 2016 at 6:28 pm


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