In the week from February 15 to February 21, 2016:
- The Health and Government Operations Committee and Judiciary Committee of the Maryland House of Delegates held a joint hearing on HB 0404, Richard E. Israel and Roger “Pip” Moyer End of Life Option Act.
- Death with Dignity was a hot topic of debate in Iowa, where a proposed bill died in committee.
- “Coloradans support medical aid in dying,” The Mountain Mail, 2/15/2016
- “Right-to-die bill won’t die,” The Daily Sentinel, 2/17/2016
- “Iowa Death with dignity act protects our right to die with dignity,” The Gazette, 2/15/2016
- “Death with Dignity bill won’t receive Iowa Senate vote,” The Des Moines Register, 2/16/2016
- “Proposed bill raises questions of morality,” Iowa State Daily, 2/17/2016
- “Three lives, three questions about death,” The Des Moines Register, 2/19/2016
- “Iowa lawmakers fail to act on much-needed legislation,” The Des Moines Register, 2/20/2016
- “House ponders right-to-die legislation,” Capital Gazette, 2/19/2016
- “Maryland House committee to hear testimony for End of Life Options Act,” Washington Post, 2/19/2016
- “House committees hear testimony on end-of-life bills,” The Frederick News Post, 2/19/2016
- “Maryland lawmakers grapple with end-of-life bill,” Baltimore Sun, 2/19/2016
- “Md. house hears end of life option act,” Delmarva Now, 2/20/2016
- “Agonizing over the right to die,” Washington Post, 2/20/2016
- “Assisted suicide advocates plead case for legalization in Maryland,” Washington Times, 2/21/2016
- “Full Episode: Maryland’s News This Week, Sunday, February 21, 2016,” [9:31 of audio file] WBAL, 2/21/2016
New York
- “Bill would allow ‘aid in dying’,” Legislative Gazette, 2/16/2016
- “Death with dignity bill draws supporters, opponents at conference,” WHAM, 2/20/2016
- “‘Right to die’ or just wrong?” Daily Messenger, 2/21/2016
- Minnesota: “Bill to allow terminal patients to speed own death aired in N. Mankato,” Mankato Free Press, 2/201/2016
- Utah: “How religion changes the medically assisted suicide debate,” Deseret News, 2/19/2016
- US: “Dying wish: Arguing the right to die,” CBS Sunday Morning, 2/21/2016
Featured image by Lauren Michell Rabaino.
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