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Week 6/2016 in the Death with Dignity Movement

February 17, 2016

In the week from February 8 to February 14, 2016:

  • A Senate Committee in Iowa heard SF 2051, a Death with Dignity bill, without a vote.
  • California advocate for the recently passed End of Life Option Act Christy O’Donnell died.



  • “Lawmakers debate 2 ways to make death easier in Colorado,” The Colorado Independent, 2/8/2016
  • “‘End-of-Life-Options’ Bill Survives House Committee, Law Week Colorado, 2/11/2016
  • “Allow end-of-life options,” Pueblo Chieftain, 2/13/2016
  • “Yes, Colorado should pass the End-of-Life Options Act,” Denver Post, 2/13/2016


New York



  • Maryland: “Md. lawmakers to debate ‘Death with Dignity’ bill,” WLBZ-NBC, 2/11/2016

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Featured image by Mustafa Khayat.

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