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Week 44/2015 in the Death with Dignity Movement

November 2, 2015

In the week from October 26 to November 1, 2015:

  • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts held a hearing in the Joint Committee for Public Health for the proposed Compassionate Care for the Terminally Ill Act.
  • A California appeals court affirmed a lower court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit seeking to allow physicians to prescribe life-ending medication to terminally ill patients.


  • “We view the passage of this legislation as an important opportunity to promote discussion among families about their end-of-life options and preferences and to educate them about the true benefits of hospice care.” “Guest commentary: Aid in dying legislation will promote awareness of hospice care,” Contra Costa Times, 10/30/2015
  • “Appeals court rules doctors can’t yet aid deaths,” SF Gate, 10/29/2015



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Image by Binuri Ranasinge.

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