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Thank You

November 25, 2015

By George Eighmey, President


I dedicate my time to Death with Dignity as a volunteer not for accolades or recognition but for all those who wish to die in a way that exemplifies how they lived their lives.

The gratitude is reserved for you. On behalf of all of us at Death with Dignity, thank you for all you do for the movement.

None of our accomplishments, from the passage of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act in 1994 to the success in California this year, could have been possible without your commitment to expanding the freedom of all Americans to make our own end-of-life decisions. For that, I am grateful.

You are one of seven in ten Americans who support the end-of-life option allowing qualified terminally ill people to end their lives through physician-prescribed medications. For that, I am grateful.

Looking back at this astounding year, I also reflect on what’s ahead. We have our work cut out for us: Forty-six states still lack a statute outlining the procedure for obtaining medication to hasten an inevitable death. Our state-by-state campaign aims to change that — with you at our table we will. For that, I am grateful.

Thank you again for all you do.

Happy Thanksgiving!

As the holiday season kicks off, Death with Dignity is joining the movement to create a tradition of philanthropy. Please mark your calendar: The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving—December 1 this year—is #GivingTuesday: a global day dedicated to celebrating generosity and giving.

Giving Tuesday logo

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