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Week 36/2015 in the Death with Dignity Movement

September 7, 2015

In the week from August 31 to September 6, 2015:

  • Californians got another step closer to having Death with Dignity as an end-of-life option when the state Assembly’s Extraordinary Session Public Health and Developmental Services Committee on approved AB2X-15, the California End of Life Option Act, on a 10 to 3 vote. The finance committee later approved the bill on a 5 to 3 vote. The bill will be debated and voted on in the full Assembly this week.
  • University of California Berkeley’s Institute for Governmental Studies released a poll showing support for the bill now stands at nearly 76%.
  • In New Mexico, the State Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments, for October 26, in the lawsuit recently decided by the appeals court which struck down a lower court’s ruling that physician assisted dying was legal in the state.


New Mexico


Image by faungg.

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