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California Assembly and Senate Approve End of Life Option Act

September 11, 2015

Words cannot describe the atmosphere here at Death with Dignity headquarters. Three days after the California Assembly approved the End of Life Option Act 42 to 33, the California Senate approved it on a 23 to 14 vote, bringing the many months of our work to the best outcome imaginable.

On behalf of all of us at Death with Dignity National Center, I wish to thank each Senator and Assembly Member who voted for terminally ill Californians to have the option of a dignified and humane death. Please join me and sign this thank you card to the California state legislators who had the wisdom to vote for the bill.


When our friend Steve Mione, a terminally ill San Diego resident, told us that, when his end was imminent, he wanted to “be alert, say goodbye to my loved ones, and fall asleep and die peacefully, without pain and suffering,” he was expressing the views of thousands of terminally ill people everywhere.

Steve and all Californians may soon have the freedom that Oregonians, Washingtonians, and Vermonters enjoy: to make their own decisions at the end of their lives.

This is a monumental step forward for the Death with Dignity movement. The bill passed in both legislative chambers in the most populous state in the country and now heads to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk for signature. The Governor has every reason to sign this bill into law. With 76 percent public support and years of experience in Oregon demonstrating this law works, there is absolutely no reasonable argument for him to oppose the law.

Thank you for contributing your time, finances, and voices during this historic campaign. We could not have done this without you, your commitment, and your generosity.

Photo by Jessica Wilson.

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