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Week 24/2015 in the Death with Dignity Movement

June 15, 2015

In the week from June 8 to June 14, 2015:

  • A hearing was held in the Tennessee Senate Health and Welfare Committee on a proposed bill as part of the summer study process.
  • The positive media fallout from the successful California Senate vote on SB 128 continued.
  • Maine legislature geared toward the vote on a proposed Death with Dignity bill.
  • Meaningful progress on Death with Dignity legislation in New York appeared doubtful, though there are now four bills, two apiece in the Assembly and the Senate, pending.
  • A vigorous debate of Death with Dignity unfolded in Tennesse in parallel with the hearing on the state’s proposed bill.



  • “Maine to step into debate over ‘death-with-dignity’ laws,” Washington Times & Portland Press Herald via Associated Press, 6/14/2015
  • “State Senator agrees to sponsor end-of-life legislation,” WCSH Portland-NBC, 6/14/2015

New York


Other Stories

  • “I want a human out, a good death, and the knowledge that, to the end, my life is my own.” “Get Out While We Can: Aid in Dying and Diane Rehm,” Disruptive Women in Health Care, 6/3/2015

Featured image by Jason de Villa.

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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Dying Concepts

Death with Dignity National Center Fights for End of Life Options

The Death with Dignity National Center is the clearinghouse for information on medical aid in dying for patients and their families, advocates, health care providers, and researchers. We are a nonprofit organization that works with groups around the United States on aid in dying legislation based on the Oregon model. This model has been shown to be effective for patients and providers, with protections against abuse. Our Death with Dignity Political Fund is our advocacy and lobbying arm, which strategically works with legislators to craft laws and pass them in states that do not yet have end of life options.