Last week, from May 26 to May 31, 2015:
- SB 128, California End of Life Option Act, passed 5-2 in the Appropriations Committee and is headed to the Senate floor for a vote this Thursday.
- Delaware saw a bill introduced, with a hearing scheduled for this Wednesday.
- A new Gallup poll was released, showing support across the U.S. for Death with Dignity increasing by 10 percentage points, to 68%. Americans favor the right-to-die regardless of their political leanings, age bracket, or how survey questions are worded.
- “Start the Presses: Debating doctor-assisted death,” Glendale News Press, 5/29/2015
- “Palliative care doctors mixed on CMA assisted suicide policy shift,” KPCC, 5/29/2015
- “Assisted suicide bill advances in California legislature,” Reuters, 5/29/2015
- “‘Aid in dying’ and undocumented immigrant health care bills advance,” San Jose Mercury News, 5/29/2015
- “Doctor assisted suicide bill introduced in Delaware,” WMDT, 5/29/2015
- “Delaware lawmaker introduces bill allowing assisted suicide,” WDEL 101.7FM, 5/28/2015
Elsewhere and Other Stories
- Maryland: A former Attorney General advocates for the Death with Dignity bill to return in the next session. “Going gentle into that good night in Md.,” Baltimore Sun, 5/27/2015
- “In U.S., Support Up for Doctor-Assisted Suicide,” Gallup, 5/27/2015
Featured image by Robert Couse Baker.
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