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Week 20/2015 in the Death with Dignity Movement

May 18, 2015

Last week, from May 11 to May 17, 2015

  • A proposed Death with Dignity bill received a hearing in Maine.
  • The California End of Life Option Act moved forward through the Senate Appropriations Committee, which forwarded it for budget impact assessment, while Californians continue to debate the issue.
  • The California Medical Association dropped its opposition to physician-assisted dying and is now neutral on the proposed bill.
  • Senate Bill 336, Nevada Patient Self-Determination Act died without a hearing. The Senate Health and Human Services Committee Chair, Sen. Hardy, MD, who effectively killed the bipartisan bill by not allowing it to be heard, is facing increased criticism from Nevadans.





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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Dying Concepts

Assisted Dying (incorrectly called “Euthanasia”) Movement Has Long History

Americans have been coming together to work for compassionate end-of-life options in the United States since long before Oregon’s watershed law took effect in 1997. In fact, the Euthanasia Society of America was founded in New York way back in 1938. It has taken decades of writings, bills, referenda, court challenges, and an evolution of thought on planning for the end of life for the idea of assisted dying to become broadly supported. Now, however, largely through the recent passage of the California End of Life Option Act, nearly one in six people has access to assisted dying options if they are suffering from a terminal illness.