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Week 12/2015 in the Death with Dignity Movement

March 23, 2015

Last week, from March 15 to March 22, 2015:





Featured image by weirdisnothing.

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Afterword: Physician-Hastened Dying Concepts

Most Who Have Used Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act Died at Home, with Family’s Knowledge

Eighteen years of data from Oregon show remarkable consistency in how people chose to use the Death with Dignity law. Most told their family about their decision (93.5 percent), and most died at home rather than at a hospital or care facility (94 percent). Most were enrolled in hospice at the time of taking the medications (90.5 percent) and most had some form of insurance (98.6 percent). Most ranked as their strongest concerns loss of autonomy (91.6 percent) and loss of ability to take part in activities that make life enjoyable (89.7). Future data from California and other states will add to our understanding of how and why people choose the Death with Dignity process.