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Week 11/2015 in the Death with Dignity Movement

March 16, 2015

In the week from March 8 to March 14, 2015:

  • Maryland was in the spotlight of the Death with Dignity movement with the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing drawing dozens of testimonies, including from our Executive Director, Peg Sandeen.
  • Connecticut geared up to its Assembly hearing this week on the proposed physician-assisted dying bill.
  • Our friend Dr. Peter Rasmussen, MD, coined an op-ed in the Baltimore Sun in support of the bill and Marylanders’ right to Death with Dignity as an end-of-life option.
  • Montana saw a rollercoaster in the House when a proposed bill outlawing physician-assisted dying first passed and eventually failed on a split vote.
  • The New York Times endorsed Death with Dignity as an end-of-life option for the terminally ill.
  • Though the Utah Death with Dignity Act was tabled until next year, a discussion about the issue started in the state. A poll showed the majority of Utahns are in favor of such legislation.
  • In Vermont, a bill passed in the Senate that removed the sunset provision from the state’s Death with Dignity bill, keeping safeguards intact.
  • Across the pond, beloved author and dying with dignity campaigner Terry Pratchett died.







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Featured image by Daniel Blume.

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Afterword: Physician-Hastened Dying Concepts

Motivations for Initiating Death with Dignity Process Focused on Autonomy

Eighteen years of data from Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act show the primary motivations for using the law stem from loss of autonomy. Around 90 percent of those using the law cited both loss of autonomy and the fact that they were less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable as a reason for using the law. Another common response, at about 78 percent, was loss of dignity. Further down the list were issues around losing control of bodily functions, burdening family, or concerns about pain management. Only 3.1 percent over the 18 years raised cost issues as a primary driver.