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Week 6/2015 in the Death with Dignity Movement

February 9, 2015

In the week from February 1 to February 7, 2015, the whirlwind of media attention to Death with Dignity continued:

  • If you only read one article, make sure it’s this overview of Death with Dignity developments written in response to the New York lawsuit (see below): “More states consider assisted-suicide laws since Brittany Maynard’s death,” The Christian Science Monitor, 2/4/2015.
  • For a good overview of the Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling that Canadian adults who are mentally competent and suffering intolerably and permanently have the right to a doctor’s help in dying, read this Globe and Mail article. And, TIME magazine has an analysis, including our take, of the impact of SCC’s ruling in the U.S.)
  • The buzz around California’s End of Life Option Act continues unabated.
  • Following the introduction of a bill the previous week, a lively debate unfolded in Colorado before a House Committee heard and rejected the bill on Friday. Sixty-eight percent of Coloradans continue to favor Death with Dignity. To follow the Committee hearings as they unfolded on Friday, February 6 (and as they will continue in the future, if applicable), see the Twitter hashtag #coleg.
  • The D.C. Council debates a death-with-dignity bill introduced mid-January by Councilmember Cheh, while Maryland awaits the introduction of companion death-with-dignity bills in the Assembly and Senate.
  • Whereas physician-assisted dying isn’t illegal in Montana by Supreme Court ruling, two bills are circulating in the State Legislature: a Senate bill legalizing death with dignity and a House bill criminalizing physicians’ participation in assisted suicide. Media coverage has been mostly relegated to letters to the editor.
  • New Mexico is watching out for an appeals court ruling on the legality of physicians’ right to aid patients in hastening their deaths.
  • In New York, while two Senators prepare to introduce a bill, a group of patients and physicians filed a lawsuit challenging New York’s statute banning assisted suicide.



District of Columbia and Maryland


New York


Death with Dignity is debated even in states that do not have bills on the books or legislative docket.

Image by Communicore82.

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Afterword: Physician-Assisted Death Concepts

Options for Those who do Not Live in Aid in Dying States

If you are terminally ill and don’t live in a state with a Death with Dignity law in place, you still have options you can discuss with your family and medical providers. Understanding your rights is an important first step. You have the right to refuse all treatments and sustenance. Refusing food and water and declining or stopping life-sustaining measures like feeding tubes or ventilators will work best with the cooperation of your medical providers who can also work to make you more comfortable by managing pain and other symptoms as you decline. Explore hospice and other options where the provider is familiar with end-of-life options.